Saturday, September 01, 2007


Major Victory!

In the U.S. v. Moran, 05-30215 and 05-30226 (9th Circuit. The case was thrown out and the conviction was overturned! Hur rah!!!!

This case was thrown out on the grounds that the trial judge prohibited the defendants from introducing testimony about how their beliefs was based “among other things on opinions from a CPA and outside experts.”

It is in my book….April 15th – The Fear Factor.

In the Larken Rose case, if he did not object to his judge ruling at the time, MOST IMPORTANT, the Appeals court will not overturn. I hope he did.

We, in the movement, should not lose another case!

More to come!

Bob Graham Sr

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Self admitted COWARD – Larken Rose!

Larken Rose in his August 29, 2007 message to his ‘subscriber list’ stated,

“IN order to avoid extra YEARS of imprisonment, Tessa and I filed back returns prior to my sentencing, falsely reporting our income as if it were taxable (when we know it isn’t).”

What do you call a person who pays for something they don’t owe? (1) Idiot; (2) a fool; (3) Larken Rose; (4) a COWARD; (5) ALL THE ABOVE!

It took me almost 20 years to get over my 31 months ‘behind the wall’ in their level 3 prison. Don’t ever call yourself a ‘patriot’, Larken. You are despicable and your ‘ego’ not only sucks but it got the tax movement in trouble! And you still refuse to read April 15th – The Fear Factor!

You could have won, but you copped out for a plea! What a piece of s… you are!

When are you going to apologize to the real patriots who believe in you?

The IRS loves what you are writing!

Bob Graham Sr.