Saturday, April 07, 2007

Letter to the Editor – 4/4/07

Bucks anti-tax crusader is sentenced to jail!

The article in the Philadelphia Inquirer by Joseph A. Slobodzian, a staff writer, states "a Bucks County software engineer who told to a federal jury his belief that paying federal taxes is voluntary was sentenced yesterday, 4/3/07, to the maximum 27 months in prison and ordered to start paying almost $83,000 in back taxes.", This begs the question, How in a federal prison earning .11 @ hour, can he be expected to pay $83,000 in back taxes and are their any taxes on the .11 cents?

Judge John R. Padova must have told the jury ‘his opinion’ of the law, because the law states that if a defendant did not act out of "criminal intent" then he/she MUST be found ‘not guilty’. If a defendant as stated by my judge acted "in a manner considered to be wrong, obnoxious, preposterous or otherwise foreign to our way of thinking" MUST not be found ‘guilty’. This proves my statement that 9 judges and two bottles of whiskey and you will get 41 ‘opinions’.
If prosecutors for the federal government as stated in this article found Farnsworth research into the federal tax system was "groundless" why didn’t they take him to civil court. If it was tax money the IRS wanted this should be the way to go, but if it a ‘pound of flesh’…you know government "FEAR", then civil court was not enough.

I am ashamed of the jury who did not demand from the judge and the IRS to be shown the law. Maybe Farnsworth is right, could it be there is no law, otherwise the government would show it to one and all! Check it out, Mr. Slobodzian. See on what the foreperson of another jury in a tax trial did…."NOT GUILTY". No LAW – No GUILT!

Robert B. Graham Sr.