Monday, August 23, 2004

Hello Fellow ‘Patriots’,

I am "replying to all" because I want to interject a couple of rhetorical questions on this "red alert."

Does anyone here honestly believe the Executive and Legislative powers are going to actually respond to Schulz’s demands? And does anyone believe the patriot movement can or will mobilize the synergy it will take to make this come to pass? I have watched 'their progress' with great interest. Has anything changed?

They (Congress and Senate) laughed like hell at the last ‘parade’ on Washington, from inside.

Frankly, I am tired of all of us 'fooling ourselves' into thinking that we will regain our freedom and restore our Constitution through any means of documented diplomatic demands.

Petition for redress? "What is that?"
Class Action Lawsuit? Perhaps in 1793!
Constitutional Legislation? On 10 lb 84 bright paper!
Letters to Congress? Form responses!
Letters to the Editor? Deaf ears!

The only way - short of all-out revolution or an act of intervention by the Almighty - to restore constitutional authority is massive concerted actions that instill fear within government! A show of force is the ONLY remedy! In other words, it will take bodies; not money; not paper; and not empty words. BODIES! PEOPLE! It will take PEOPLE!

If you really want a show a force short of war, get all the truckers across the country to just stop hauling for three days and three nights. How high must gas prices go before they shut down, on their own? Don’t the truckers realize that they are being taken for a ‘ride’ by the politicians? That will wake up the government terrorists.

If you really want a show of force short of war, get the airlines to stop flying for three days and three nights. But then what will the ‘make work’ gov’t employees do, what can they do other than slow airport travel? Maybe, the Home Land Security can guard our borders?That will wake up the government terrorists.

If you really want a show of force short of war, get the power companies
to shut down the power grids for three days and three nights. That will wake up the government terrorists.

If you really want a show of force short of war, get all the banks to close their doors for one month. I could write for a year about the banking fraud! That will wake up the government terrorists.

If you really want a show of force short of war, get all the port & dock authorities to shut down for three days and three nights. That will wake up the government terrorists.

If you really want a show of force short of war, get all the associations running the racing, football, and baseball, basketball, and golf circuits
to shut down for one season. That will wake up the government terrorists.

If you really want a show of force short of war, get all telecommunications to shut down for three days and three nights. Teenagers might find out they have parents!That will wake up the government terrorists.

.If you really want a show of force short of war, get 50 million people
to stop paying property taxes. People might find out that the government is renting homes to citizens, you own nothing.That will wake up the government terrorists
.If you really want a show of force short of war, get 100 million people to call into work sick for three days and three nights. You are only going to lose 60%, the gov’t already get the other 40%.That will wake up the government terrorists.

If you really want a show of force short of war, get 100 million people
to file for extensions on the income tax for 2005. Maybe they will think about the ‘861 evidence disk’ That will wake up the government terrorists.

Better yet, if you really want a show of force short of war, get 100 million people
to not file at all in 2005. Over 30 million did not file in 2003!That will wake up the government terrorists.

Actually we should not wake them up but abolish them!

Of course, it seems ludicrous to even think of mobilizing such action. But, anything less than this will realistically not even dent the global machine we sometimes call the "beast." No, I imagine even before any of these things could come to pass, I suspect there would be a meeting at the Concord Bridge before then, or a judgment from the Almighty.

Keep making them
'paper tiger demands' folks. All they do is just add fuel to the government terrorist’s fire. They have nothing to fear from 'paper bullets'!

In 1944, the Nazi’s were petrified when they saw a drawing of me….THEY KNEW THE END WAS NEAR! Some were so scared they killed themselves, it saved us the trouble. The United States President has declared WAR on terrorist, outside and inside the United States. Aren’t you tired of being pushed around by elitist and their terrorist employees?


Once you learn the truth, you can’t unlearn it….YOU must DEAL with IT!

If you don’t know your RIGHTS…YOU DON’T HAVE ANY! And if you don’t defend those RIGHTS…..YOU DON’T HAVE ANY!